If you’re stuck working from home with a lot of free time and nowhere to go, you might find yourself going a little stir crazy. Here are a few ideas for productive things to do while you’re stuck in quarantine.
Work in your garden if you’ve got one. This is a no-brainer: you can do something productive and get your vitamin D all in one place. Gardening is shown to reduce stress and in these trying times it can also act as an important release valve against cabin fever.
While you’re getting a mulch delivery Cincinnati or your area, you might notice that your house needs a coat of paint. You always complained about how you don’t have the time to fix this thing or make that upgrade. Be careful what you wish for, now you’ve got all the time in the world. Still, making those little repairs you’ve been putting off for ages isn’t just a productive thing to do, it’s also a great way to take your mind off things you can’t do anything about and focus your energy where it can actually do some good.
Another thing you can try while you’re stuck at home is learning a new skill. Maybe you want to pick up a foreign language or take an online class. Maybe you can try a new craft or a new hobby. You’re probably cooking at home more than you used to, so it’s the perfect time to brush up your culinary skills.
Just don’t beat yourself up too much if you find yourself unable to do all the things you want to do. Being stuck at home is draining and stressful and this is a difficult time. It helps to spend some time outside, get some work done around the house and learn a new skill.